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Meeting between Göpel, Hummel, Klein and Müggel regarding the 50 million franc credit for acquiring the Schloss paintings for Linz

Meeting between Göpel, Hummel, Klein and Müggel regarding the 50 million franc credit for acquiring the Schloss paintings for Linz

16 Oct 1943
Collection looting

At a meeting with the Paris office of the Reichskreditkasse, Göpel, von Hummel, Mr. Klein of the Parteikanzlei and Director Mürdel of the Reichskreditkasse, agreed to extend a 50 million franc credit to the German Embassy as long as the Reichswirtschaftsministerium (Reich Economics Ministry) endorsed the action, equal to 2.5 million Reichsmarks through the Clearing. Gerlach offered to finalize the sale in a letter.