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Kurt von Behr

Kurt von Behr

Alternative Names
Baron Kurt von Behr; Baron von Behr
Life dates
1890 - 1945
 ERR Headquarters
civil servant, art historian

Kurt von Behr was born in Hannover. After the German invasion of France in June 1940, Alfred Rosenberg, founder of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) appointed von Behr, a former president of the German Red Cross, to head ERR operations in western Europe from a base in Paris. On 17 July 1940, Rosenberg established the Amt Westen of which von Behr became co-director in Paris while his counterpart, Robert Scholz, remained in Berlin. In addition, von Behr served as the deputy to Gerhard Utikal, ERR’s _Reichshauptstellenleiter. _Until 20 February 1941, von Behr, while heading the _Sonderstab Bildende Kunst _(Special Staff for Fine Arts) as part of Amt Westen, he organized the transport to the Reich of numerous art objects looted from Jewish collections in France. From January 1942 until spring 1944, von Behr led the Möbelaktionen (Furniture Actions; M-Aktion) in German-occupied France, the wholesale confiscation of any movable property found in Jewish residences whose occupants were long since gone.

Kurt von Behr played a peripheral role in the quest for and confiscation of the Schloss Collection. On 10 September 1942, von Behr met with his deputy, Bruno Lohse, Jean-François Lefranc, who preyed on Jewish collections for the _Commissariat général aux questions juives _(CGQJ), and Darquier de Pellepoix, general commissioner of the CGQJ. Lefranc offered his services to locate and denounce Jewish collections concealed on French territory in exchange for a 20 percent finder’s fee. As von Behr’s deputy, Lohse represented the ERR and Göring, while he maneuvered to maintain Germany’s interest over the Schloss Collection after its confiscation.

Von Behr and his wife committed suicide with hydrogen cyanide on 19 April 1945, eight days after Allied troops overtook Schloss Banz.


Plaut, James. “Loot for the Master Race.” _The Atlantic I_September 1946). Accessed 14 June 2021.

Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. “Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder. A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR).” IISH Research Paper 47. Published online by the International Institute of Social History (IISH/IISG), Amsterdam, March 2011. Accesed 14 June 2021.